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Such hard and crazy times, but you have kept us going – A Big Thank You – Míle Buíochas

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is suffering illness and loss due to COVID-19.

We have massive admiration and appreciation to all front-line workers and those who have been keeping essential businesses open.

Thank you for your support in buying Irish – A Big Thank You – Míle Buíochas

We also need to thank our customers, without you Totally Irish Gifts amounts to nothing. When you buy from Totally Gifts you are buying Irish and supporting our small Irish family run business. But you are also supporting our 80 suppliers from all over Ireland.

Your continued support of our small business has far reaching results. Many of our suppliers are small craft businesses, who do not have very many outlets. Our larger suppliers are also finding times tough as their main sales outlets have dried up, particularly in tourist areas and airport shops.

Totally Irish Gifts started trading in 2012 and since then our business has grown slowly but steadily. We are constantly learning. We are a small online only company, we thankfully work from home. We have no contact with the public, so it has been safe to keep our website open and continue trading. For this we are so grateful and so very aware of the many other small shops that have been unable to trade during this time.

The last few months have been an emotional rollercoaster. With the initial news of COVID spreading from China. The threat of the possibility and then the realisation the pandemic had reached Irish shores. Worrying about family abroad, our elderly relatives, particularly my own mother who lives in a nursing home. We understand and identify with the fears, stress and frustrations that are being felt around the globe. The worry of how COVID-19 will affect everyone’s future and how the world will cope.

What’s been happening

At the start of COVID-19 and the unfolding uncertainty in March, our business did practically zero sales for a number of weeks. That was the time of panic buying. We were all so unsure what was going on as we tried to come to terms with the pandemic and the necessary restrictions.

Then the rush of sales in jigsaws and ring boards started. People needed something to keep them occupied during the early restrictions. In particular adult children were buying jigsaws to send to their parents. Grandparents were buying two ring boards – one for them and one for a grandchild. The magic of zoom allowed the old Irish games of rings to be played miles apart.

As people got used to the restrictions, normal trading started again. Mainly for birthday gifts, anniversary gifts and thank you gifts. While the wedding gifts practically dropped completely as weddings were disappointingly put on hold. However, and very sadly, our sales of sympathy cards and sympathy gifts has increased dramatically. So terribly sad. I say a little prayer as I package such orders.

We have so many people to thank – A Big Thank You – Míle Buíochas

Our sales in the last five weeks have been similar to that of the Christmas rush. We have never experienced sales like it in April/May. We would like to thank you, our valued customers, for helping us keep afloat.

Our suppliers have been amazing. Dealing with their own difficulties with the restrictions and social distancing. Coming up with solutions to source their raw materials. We appreciate and respect all that you do.

An Post, our delivery partner, has continued their incredible service. They have adapted their work frequency and are delivering near to normal with only some delays. Considering the challenges of the restrictions and new work practices, the extra volume of post going through the system, they have been able to provide extra services to help the vulnerable in our communities. And they still smile. Thank you so much.

Although some post has been delayed, our customers have been very understanding. Particularly our USA customers who are experiencing long delays as we adapt our postal service following the suspension of the parcel post to USA. We really do appreciate our customers’ understanding and patience, thank you.

Our future

Totally Irish Gifts started trading in 2012 at a time of very significant economic challenges. Now, as some countries fall into recession and experts predict a world recession due to COVID, Totally Irish Gifts will continue to trade as best we can. Supporting the Buy Irish ethos is more important than ever and we will continue to sell only gifts/crafts that are actually made in Ireland. When you shop at Totally Irish Gifts you are shopping on your local online Irish Store, bringing you quality gifts and crafts made by talented and dedicated craftspeople across Ireland.

We share in the anxiety, but also the optimism that the world will recover from this pandemic. These difficult times will end. We wish all our customers good physical and mental health.

Thank you – go raibh maith agat.

All the best & stay safe

Read our most up-to-date COVID-19 shipping messages here

Visit the HSE coronavirus webpage

Visit the An Post coronavirus webpage

A Big Thank You – Míle Buíochas

Totally Irish Gifts